Rural Apprenticeship Scheme



There is an urgent need to protect and restore our delicate rural landscapes, to reverse biodiversity loss and to help the UK achieve net zero by 2050. That’s why we’re dedicated to producing sustainable spirits that drive positive change.

Since selling our first bottle of gin, we have been partnered with Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT; Registered Charity No. 1061687) to help fund some of their key environmental projects: planting native broadleaf woodland since 2018 and restoring wildflower meadows since 2022.

With the long-awaited arrival of our flagship Cooper King Single Malt Whisky in 2023, we have increased our commitment to protecting the environment by supporting a third project with YDMT – the Rural Apprenticeship Scheme.

By donating at least 3% from the sale of every bottle of whisky to YDMT, they can provide life-changing opportunities for young people in rural areas, to help protect vital UK habitats. Work undertaken by apprentices includes restoring and protecting precious habitats such as the Yorkshire peatlands, to safeguard their natural carbon storage, which is estimated to be twice that found in forests. 100% of our donations go directly into the programme and we aim to raise over £10,000 in the next 12 months.

Why Are We Funding Rural Apprentices?

Although beautiful, our rural landscapes are negatively impacted by inaccessibility, isolation, climate change and widespread poverty. An increasing number of young people passionate about the environment are leaving rural areas because of limited access to training, low employment opportunities and high transport costs. This creates a significant challenge to small businesses in the environmental sector who are unable to recruit the specialist skills they require, leaving them under-resourced for conserving and enhancing wild spaces.

By funding rural apprentices and removing these barriers, we enable young workers to carry out meaningful countryside management and community environmental projects. The Rural Apprenticeship Scheme equips young people with the skills and confidence to become custodians of our natural environment.

By investing in a community of young people enthused and empowered to create positive change for the environment, we help to secure the economic and social well-being of our rural communities and help to grow the green economy - well beyond 2050.

What Is The Rural Apprenticeship Scheme?

The scheme is an 18-month apprenticeship that combines a certified college course with hands-on work experience with small businesses and conservation charities. The majority are based in the Yorkshire Dales and surrounding areas, but some focus on developing healthier and safer green spaces in deprived urban areas. Employers include The Wildlife Trusts, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Conservefor and Make It Wild.

Each apprentice receives:

  • 18 months of hands-on work experience through placements.

  • Level 2 Countryside Worker qualification.

  • A training budget for certified skills such as chainsaw licences, ATV driving, species identification and habitat surveying.

  • Pastoral support from a YDMT Apprenticeship Officer to help them develop confidence and soft skills.

  • Group training days and activities for peer-to-peer support and motivation.

As well as providing skills and employment, the scheme also:

  • Raises aspirations, breaks down social barriers and gives young people the confidence to find their dream job.

  • Enables young people to continue to live and work rurally whilst learning how to manage and conserve special landscapes.

  • Provides the opportunity to connect with nature on a daily basis, boosting health and wellbeing.

  • Creates a community of young people enthused and empowered to create positive change for the environment.

Who Is Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust?

Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) is a small charity doing big things to support the people, landscape and wildlife of the Yorkshire Dales and surrounding areas. They deliver inspirational projects covering areas such as education and outreach, woodland creation, meadow restoration and heritage conservation. They exist to tackle climate change and reduce biodiversity loss, while inspiring more people to connect with nature, to learn new skills and to improve their health and wellbeing.

Since 2010, they have supported 55 young people through the rural apprenticeship scheme. More than 80% went into full-time employment or further education.

You can find out more about Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and their many great projects here.

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